English with Yoo! A daily
introduction to English words and phrases!
Hi! this is Jennifer Yoo with English with Yoo! 안녕하세요 English with Yoo! 의 Jennifer Yoo입니다.
오늘의 영어 표현은: Get a grip, get a grip 입니다
So what does it mean to get a grip? Well
let’s find out, but first we will listen
to a conversation. I had with Jason, Listen carefully.
Jason |
Oh no! I can’t
believe I left my cell phone at home! Now I won’t be able to make important
calls and I will probably miss calls from the office.
: Jason, Jason, get a grip! It’s going to be okay! Please, just calm
: Oh! you’re right. I need to get a grip.
오늘 본문에서 Jason이 이런! 집에 휴대전화를 두고 왔어. 어떡하지! 중요한 전화도 못 걸고, 사무실에서 오는 전화도 놓칠
텐데.”라고 어쩔 줄 몰라 합니다.
그러자 저는 Jason, Jason, get a
grip! Everything is going to be okay. Please, just calm down.
제이슨, 제이슨, 좀 침착해 봐. 다 괜찮을 거야. 그러니까 좀 진정해.
라며 안심시킵니다.
Jason은 Oh! You’re right. I need
to get a grip. 그래, 네 말이 맞아. 진정하고 정신을 차려야지.
Now keep today’s expression, ‘get a grip’ in mind and let’s hear the
conversation again.
Jason |
Oh no! I can’t believe I left my cell phone at home! Now I won’t be able to make important calls and I
will probably miss calls from the office.
Jen |
: Jason, Jason, get a grip! It’s going to be okay! Please, just calm
: Oh! you’re right. I need to get a grip.
Today’s expression is get GET
get, a grip GRIP grip. get a grip To get a grip means to make
an effort to control your emotions. Grip이라는 단어는 무엇을 ‘꽉 붙잡다’, ‘쥐다’라는 뜻입니다. 따라서
Get a grip은 ‘감정을 자제하다’, ‘침착하다’, 또는 ‘정신을 바짝 차리다’라는 의미가 됩니다.
Get a grip can also mean to get a better understanding of something. 그리고
어떤 문제를 더 자세히 파악한다는 조금 다른 뜻으로도 사용됩니다.
오늘 본문에서 Jason이 휴대폰을 집에 두고 온 모양입니다. 사무실에서 오는 전화도 놓칠 수 있다며 어쩔 줄
몰라 하자,
저는 Jason에게 좀 진정하라고 했습니다. Jason, Jason, get a
grip! It’s going to okay! Please, just calm down. 이라고요. 이렇게 너무
흥분하거나 화가 나는 등 감정을 조절하기 힘든 상황에서, 침착하고 자제하라는 표현이 'get a grip' 입니다.
Now that you know what today’s
expression means, let’s listen to the conversation for the last time.
Oh no! I can’t believe I left my cell phone at home! Now I won’t be able to make important calls and I
will probably miss calls from the office.
: Jason, Jason, get a grip! It’s going to be okay! Please, just calm
: Oh! you’re right. I need to get a grip.
Let’s review, Get a grip means to control your
emotions. It can also mean to get a better understanding of something. GET A
지금까지 ENGLISH WITH YOO에 Jennifer
Yoo입니다. Until next time, bye bye!