English Tip------ :◈:/◈ : Listening

126-The sky's the limit-applejack's english tip

애풀잭 2016. 10. 3. 20:51

오늘의 영어표현은
『The sky's the limit,』

English with Yoo! A daily introduction to English words and phrases!

Hi! everyone this is Jennifer Yoo with English with Yoo! 안녕하세요 English with Yoo! 의 Jennifer Yoo입니다.

대화를 듣고 싶으시명 재생 아이콘을 클릭 하십시요

오늘의 영어 표현은: The sky's the limit, The sky's the limit 입니다

Before we find out what today’s expression means, let’s listen to today’s conversation. Listen carefully.

Jen : Hey, Alice do you think you could do this?
Alice : You know, for me,
the sky’s the limit. I could accomplish anything once I put my mind to it.
Jen : Awesome! Then I’ll let you work on this project

오늘 본문에서 제가 Alice에게
Hey, Alice do you think you could do this?
알레스 너 정말 이거 할 수 있다고 생각하니? 라고 묻자

You know, for me,
the sky’s the limit.
너도 알다시피, 내가 못 할 일은 없어. 마음만 먹으면 뭐든지 할 수 있다고. 라고 합니다.

Awesome! Then I’ll let you work on this project.
좋아! 그럼 너한테 이 프로젝트를 맡겨볼게.”라고 대답합니다.

Now keep today’s phrase, ‘the sky’s the limit’ in mind and let’s hear the conversation again.

Jen : Hey, Alice do you think you could do this?


: You know, for me,
the sky’s the limit. I could accomplish anything once I put my mind to it.
Jen : Awesome! Then I’ll let you work on this project

Today’s expression is the THE the, sky's SKY's sky's, the limit LIMIT limit. The sky’s the limit The sky’s the limit is something that you say which means the potential is limitless. It simply means that there is a lot of hope and opportunity for someone or something.

The sky’s the limit을 직역하면,
오직 하늘 끝 만이 한계라는 말이 되죠. 즉 '하지 못할 일이 없다' '무한한 가능성이 있다'는 뜻으로 이 표현을 씁니다.

In today’s conversation, Alice tells me that the sky’s the limit for her.
오늘 본문에서 Alice가 자신은 못 할 일이 없다고 했습니다.

You know, for me,
the sky’s the limit. 이라고 말이죠.
네 이렇게 못할 것이 없고, 가능성이 무궁무진 할 때 쓸 수 있는 표현이
the sky’s the limit입니다.

Now let me give you an example sentence using today's phrase,
Be encouraged and remember
the sky’s the limit for you.는
용기를 내고, 넌 무한한 가능성이 있다는 걸 꼭 기억해. 라는 뜻입니다.

Now that you know what today’s phrase means, let’s listen to the conversation for the last time.

Jen : Hey, Alice do you think you could do this?
Alice : You know, for me,
the sky’s the limit. I could accomplish anything once I put my mind to it.
Jen : Awesome! Then I’ll let you work on this project

Let’s review the sky’s the limit is something that you say which means the potential is limitless.
It basically means that there is a lot of hope and opportunity for someone or something. 
즉 '하지 못할 일이 없다' '무한한 가능성이 있다'
THE SKY’S THE LIMIT. the sky’s the limit the sky’s the limit

그럼 다음시간에 뵙겠습니다,
지금까지 ENGLISH WITH YOO에 Jennifer Yoo입니다. Until next time, bye bye!