English with Yoo! A daily introduction to English words and
Hi everyone! This is Jennifer Yoo with ENGLISH WITH YOO! 안녕하세요 English with Yoo!의 Jennifer Yoo입니다.
오늘의 표현은 : Give me five!, Give me five! 입니다. |
Before we find out what today’s expression means, let’s listen to today’s conversation. Listen carefully. |
: Jason! Congratulations on making the soccer team! Give me five!
: Thanks! I am so happy about it! We have our first game next weekend. I hope you could make it.
: I’ll definitely be there!
본문에서 제가 “Jason! Congratulations on making the soccer team! Give me five! Jason! 너 축구 팀에 들어갔다며! 축하해!”라고 하자
Jason이 ”Thanks! I am so happy about it! We have our first game next weekend. I hope you could make it. 고마워! 나도 아주 기뻐! 다음 주말에 첫 경기가 있는데, 너도 올 수 있으면 좋겠다.”이라고 했습니다.
그러자 저는 “I’ll definitely be there! 꼭 갈게!”라고 대답했습니다.
Now keep today’s expression ‘Give me five!’ Give me five!’ in mind and let’s hear the conversation again. |
: Jason! Congratulations on making the soccer team! Give me five!
: Thanks! I am so happy about it! We have our first game next weekend. I hope you could make it.
: I’ll definitely be there!
Today’s expression is give GIVE give, me ME me, five FIVE five! Give me five, Give me five!’ means slapping palms above each other’s heads as a greeting, celebrating gesture, or to show joy.
So it what cut a sound like this, Another expression that means the same as “Give me five!” this hight five!, “High HIGHT hight, five” hight five! 기분 좋은 일이 있을 때 두 사람이 높이 팔을 들어서 손바닥을 마주 치는 걸 ‘hight five! hight five!라고 하죠?
“Give me five!”는 "hight five! 하자!"는 뜻인데요. 좋은 일이 있을 때 기쁨을 나누기 위해, 혹은 가까운 사람과 인사의 의미로 hight five!를 하자고 할 때 쓰는 말 입니다. |
In today’s example, I asked Jasosn to give me five. This was my way of congratulating him for making the soccer team. So basically what we did was we hit our open hands against each other. Like this
네 본문에서 제가 Alice에게 축구 팀에 들어간 걸 축하한다며 “Give me five!” “Give me five!”라고 외쳤습니다. 이렇게 기분 좋은 일로 축하하기 위해 hight five!하자고 할 때 쓰는 말이 바로 ‘Give me five!’‘Give me five!’ 입니다. |
Now that you know what today’s expression means, let’s listen to the conversation for the last time. |
: Jason! Congratulations on making the soccer team! Give me five!
: Thanks! I am so happy about it! We have our first game next weekend. I hope you could make it.
: I’ll definitely be there!
Let’s review, Give me five! means slapping palms against each other's heads as greeting, celebrating gesture, or to show joy. Give me five! give me five! give me five!, Now try using this expression on your own |
그럼 다음시간에 뵙겠습니다. 지금까지 ENGLISH WITH YOO에 Jennifer Yoo입니다. Until next time, bye bye!