English Tip------ :◈:/◈ : Listening

53- I'm in Hot Water!-Applejack's English Tip-Today's Dialogue

애풀잭 2016. 4. 25. 15:07

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대화를 듣고 싶으시면 재생 아이콘을 클릭 하십시요

여자말 :【 expression 】=표 현
여자말 :【 I'm in Hot Water! 】=나 큰일났어!

『 대 화 / Dialogue 』


남자말 :《 I'm in hot water! What should I do? 》= 나 큰일났어! 어떡하지?

여자말 :《 What have you done? 》=무슨 짓을 했길래?

남자말 :《 I borrowed my brother's bike and I lost it. 》
=형한테 자전거를 빌렸는데 잃어버렸지 뭐야.

여자말 :《 Your brother's going to freak out! 》=네 형이 난리 치겠는걸!

남자말 :《 I know. Maybe I'll just tell him that someone stole it. 》
=알아. 형한테는 그냥 누가 훔쳐갔다고 말할까봐.

여자말 :《 Why don't you tell him the truth? 》=사실대로 말하는게 어때?

남자말 :《 He got the bike from dad for his birthday and he loved it. 》
=형은 그 자전거를 아빠한테 생일선물로 받았는데 그걸 무척 좋아했어.

여자말 :《 Then why don't you get him the exactly same one? 》
=그럼 똑 같은 걸로 사주면 되잖아.

남자말 :《 Oh, that's a great idea. 》=아, 그거 좋은 생각이다.

여자말 :《 But you have to tell him the truth first! 》
=하지만 먼저 사실대로 말해야 해!

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